- UWF High Impact Practice Project, STEAM Collaborations in Bioinformatics and Industrial Design: Enhancing Interdisciplinary Cohorts. (Apr 2022) Waidner, Lisa A. University of West Florida HIP Faculty Presentations. Pensacola, FL.
- Vibrio vulnificus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus in the Pensacola Bay System (2024) (invited talk). Escambia County Seafood Safety Symposium, Escambia County Central Office Complex, Pensacola, FL (April 2024)
- Nutrient Cycling in Healthy and Degraded Seagrass Beds: A Comparison between Florida West and East Coast Estuaries (2024) Jane M. Caffrey, Lisa A. Waidner, Austin Fox, Rachel Presley, Lacey Bowman, Isabella Orrantia-Marmol, Joseph Moss, and Wade H. Jeffrey. Ocean Sciences Meeting (AGU, ASLO, TOS). New Orleans, LA (Feb. 2024).
- Seasonal Comparison of Prokaryotic Diversity and Photoheterotrophy in Surface Waters of the West Antarctic Peninsula. (2023) Hope Ebert, Leila Harris, Ari Simmering, J.D. Grattepanche, Elizabeth Everett, Rebecca Gast, Robert Sanders, Lisa Waidner, Jane Caffrey, and Wade Jeffrey. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Palma De Mallorca, Spain (June 2023).
- FDACS Monthly Division Roundup: Vibrio vulnificus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus (June 2023) Lisa A. Waidner (invited talk). Florida Department of Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Aquaculture; Tallahassee FL.
- Vibrio vulnificus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus in the Pensacola Bay System (2023) Wade H. Jeffrey, Jane M. Caffrey, and Lisa A. Waidner (invited talk). Escambia County Seafood Safety Symposium, Escambia County Central Office Complex, Pensacola, FL (April 2023)
- Seminar. Microbial Ecology in the Pensacola Bay System and other Environments. (Jan. 2023) Waidner, L.A. UWF Biology Seminar Course. Instructor: Peter Cavnar. Pensacola, FL.
- Optimizing Primers for DNA Extraction of nifH - Do Epiphytes Play a Role in N Fixation? (2022) Isabella Orrantia Marmol a, Lacey T. Bowman b, Lisa A. Waidner, and Jane M. Caffrey. UWF Spring Student Scholars Symposium, Pensacola, FL. (April 2023)
- Overview of Antibiotic Resistance Among Naturally-Occurring Bacteria, with a Focus on Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA): Possible Presence of the mecA Gene in Pensacola Bay Area Water and Sediment Samples (2023) Wesley Wilmot a and Lisa A. Waidner. UWF Spring Student Scholars Symposium, Pensacola, FL. (April 2023)
- Artificial reefs: Hotspots of carbon cycling in a “barren” landscape? (May, 2022) Jane M. Caffrey, Florian Cesbron, Kendra Babcock, Steven B. Garner, Juliana Giraldo-Menses, Beija Gore, Melissa Ederington Hagy, Wade Jeffrey, Michael C. Murrell, William F. Patterson III, Katerina Smyth, and Lisa A. Waidner. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting (JASM) (Grand Rapids, MI), part of “Carbon fluxes across ecosystem interfaces: Sources, cycling and fate, Day 3. Caffrey, presenter.
- Seasonal Variation of Epiphyte Abundance and Nitrogen Fixation Rates of Two Seagrass Species. (May, 2022) Lacey T. Bowman, Lisa A. Waidner, and Jane M. Caffrey. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting (JASM) (Grand Rapids, MI), part of “Integrating perspectives on nitrogen fixation across the aquascape.” Bowman, presenter.
- Factors affecting Water Quality at Bruce Beach Park in Pensacola, FL. (April, 2022) Jessica Marquis, Shay Harvin, Julianna O’Bar, Hope Ebert, Maisha Epps, Barbara Albrecht, Lisa Waidner and Jane Caffrey. University of West Florida Student Symposium. Pensacola, FL.
- Intersection of Art and Biology: A study defining the Relationship between Turbidity and Aerobic Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacteria from Local Waterways, Measured using Infrared Based Technology. (April 2022) Diana Kerowa, Grace Mclntyre-Willis, Sydney Moore, Allison Peck, Brianna Robbins, Domani Turner-Ward, Thomas Asmuth and Lisa A. Waidner. University of West Florida Student Symposium. Pensacola, FL.
- Near Infrared Device (NIR): An Alternative Method of Measuring Turbidity in Sea Waters. (April 2022) Kelvin Williamson, Thomas Asmuth, Elise Brown, Hania Ikram, Danielle Muir, Sarah Quinlan, Alyssa Zaleske and Lisa A. Waidner. University of West Florida Student Symposium. Pensacola, FL.
- Near Infrared Device: A Low-cost Solution to Measure the Turbidity of Water. (April 2022) Lacey Bowman, Thomas Asmuth, Dylan Bass, Sunny Doan, Mae Flener, Julianna O'Bar and Lisa A. Waidner. University of West Florida Student Symposium. Pensacola, FL.
- Alliance of the Arts and Sciences: Development of a 3-D Printed Turbidity Sensor through Trans-Collaboration. (April 2022) Christina Kilpatrick, Rebekah Dilavore, Connor Webb, Sara Thompson, Ani Montverde, Douglous Hunter, Thomas Asmuth and Lisa A. Waidner. University of West Florida Student Symposium. Pensacola, FL.
- The Fungal Root Microbiome of Rice Cultivars, Presidio and CL15: Correlation of Associated Fungal Species with Plant Growth. (April 2022) Elena M. Weaver, Tristan S. Craig, Lisa A. Waidner and Joe E. Lepo. University of West Florida Student Symposium. Pensacola, FL.
- Fungal Nitrogen Assimilatory Genes in the Rice Rhizosphere. (April 2022) Tristan S. Craig, Elena M. Weaver, Joe E. Lepo and Lisa A. Waidner. University of West Florida Student Symposium. Pensacola, FL.
- Enumerating Total Bacteria and Iron Oxidizing Bacteria in the Waters of Julian Mill Creek. (April 2022) Selina J. Detzel, Barbara B. Albrecht and Lisa A. Waidner. University of West Florida Student Symposium. Pensacola, FL. April 14, 2022.
- Potdukhe et al. Book Chapter (2022) Viable Putative Vibrio vulnificus and parahaemolyticus in the Pensacola and Perdido Bays: Water Column, Sediments, and Invertebrate Biofilms Trupti V. Potdukhe, Jane M. Caffrey, Mackenzie J. Rothfus, Carrie E. Daniel, Michael E. Swords III, Barbara B. Albrecht, Wade H. Jeffrey and Lisa A. Waidner. in: Gilliam, F. S., Fourqurean, J. W., Jeffrey, W. H., Swain, H. M., eds. (2022). Environmental Threats to the State of Florida—Climate Change and Beyond. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88974-332-2 (pages 38-55)
- Guest lecture. Vibrio bacteria in Florida: The good, the bad, and the ugly. (Sept. 2021) Waidner, L.A. UWF Honors Seminar Course: Ecology of Florida (IDH4031). Instructor: Frank Gilliam. September 13, 2021.
- Factors affecting Urban Water Quality in the Florida Panhandle. Shay Harvin, Julianna O’Bar, Hope Ebert, Barbara B. Albrecht, Lisa A. Waidner and Jane M. Caffrey. CERF Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation 26th Biennial Conference (Nov. 1-4 and 8-11, 2021). (Virtual Conference)
- Seminar. Vibrio bacteria in Florida: The good, the bad, and the ugly. (Feb. 2021) Waidner, L.A. UWF Biology Seminar Course. Instructor: Jane Caffrey.
- Viable Vibrio vulnificus and V. parahaemolyticus in the Pensacola and Perdido Bays: Water Column, Sediments, and Invertebrate Biofilms. (Dec. 2020). Potdukhe b, T.V., Caffrey, J.M., Swords a, M.E. III, Rothfus b, M.J., Daniel, C.E., Jeffrey, W.H., Albrecht, B.B. and Waidner, L.A. Bays and Bayous Symposium (virtual conference)
- Use of Bioinformatics to Improve Molecular Tools for Enumerating Pathogenic Vibrio vulnificus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus. (Dec. 2020) Hope, K., Potdukhe b, T.V., Harrell , J., Christerson S., Rivard, J.R. and Waidner, L.A. AGU 2020 Fall Meeting (virtual conference)
- Use of bioinformatics to improve molecular tools for enumerating pathogenic Vibrio vulnificus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus in coastal Gulf of Mexico waterways. (Aug. 2020) Hope, K. and Waidner, L.A. UWF Summer Undergraduate Research Program SURP Symposium.
- Oyster Ecology: Understanding Factors Affecting their Respiration, Excretion, and Microbiome. (Apr. 2020) Kay, K., Bowman, L., Caffrey, J.M. and Waidner, L.A. University of West Florida Student Symposium.
- Determining the Variability in Seasonal Abundance of Vibrio spp. in the Coastal Waters of Pensacola Beach. (Apr. 2020). Rodriguez, G., Waidner, L.A. and Jeffrey, W.H. University of West Florida Student Symposium.
- Enumerating new Photoheterotrophy Genes in Polar Regions. (Apr. 2020) Hope, K., G. Castaing, G., Severson, L. Simmering b, A., Harris, L., W.H. Jeffrey, W.H. and Waidner, L.A. University of West Florida Student Symposium. (Virtual conference)
- Vibrio vulnificus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus abundance in water, sediment, and biofilm samples in the Pensacola Bay System. (Apr. 2020) Potdukhe, T.V., Daniel, C.E. Swords, M.E. III, Rodriguez, G., Bowman, L., Rothfus, M., Jeffrey, W.H., Caffrey, J.M., Albrecht, B.B. and Waidner, L.A. University of West Florida Student Symposium.
- Invited seminar. Vibrio bacteria: The good, the bad, and the ugly. (2020) Waidner, L.A. Escambia County Science Hour. Pensacola, FL.
- Comparative metaproteomics to assess environmental changes: The combined effects of oil, sunlight and dispersant on marine microbial communities. (Feb. 2020) Surget, S.M., Nigro, L.M., Waidner, L.A., Werner, J., Lebaron, P. and Jeffrey, W.H. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, San Diego, CA.
- Response of Microbial Processes Following Deployment of Artificial Reefs in the Northeast Gulf of Mexico. (Nov. 2019) Smyth, K., Giraldo, J., Gore, B., Cesbron, F., Jeffrey, W., Hagy, M., Patterson, W., Waidner, L. and Caffrey, J. CERF Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation. Mobile, AL.
- Community Knowledge and Perceptions of the Presence of Vibrio vulnificus. (Nov. 2019) Roney, N., Ngalame, J., Prousalis, M., Owusu-Daaku, K. and Waidner, L.A. Waidner. CERF Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation. Mobile, AL
- The Regulation of Bacterial Activity and Abundance by Environmental Parameters within a Subtropical Coastal Estuary. (Nov. 2019) Prousalis, M., Schwartz, M., Simmering, A., Neat-Headrick, E., Hope, K., Harris, L., Gore, B., Caffrey, J.M., Jeffrey, W.H. and Waidner, L.A. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation (CERF). Mobile, AL. Nov. 2019
- An Assessment of Vibrio Presence and Knowledge in a Subtropical Coastal Estuary. (Aug. 2019) Ngalame, J., Roney, N., Prousalis, M., Owusu-Daaku, K. and Waidner, L.A. UWF Summer Undergraduate Research Program SURP Symposium, Pensacola, FL. Aug. 2019
- Response of Microbial Processes Following Deployment of Artificial Reefs in the Northeast Gulf of Mexico. (2019) Gore, B., J. Giraldo, K. Smyth, F. Cesbron, W.H. Jeffrey, W. Patterson, L. Waidner and J. Caffrey. University of West Florida Student Symposium, Pensacola, FL. April 2019.
- The abundance of Vibrio vulnificus in Indian Bayou, a Subtropical Coastal Estuary. (2019) Ngalame, J., M. Prousalis, E. Neat, J.Caffrey, W.H. Jeffrey and L. Waidner. University of West Florida Student Symposium, Pensacola, FL. April 2019.
- Seminar. Vibrio bacteria in Florida. (Oct. 2019) Waidner, L.A. UWF Honors Course, Ecology of Florida, IDH4030. Instructor: Frank Gilliam.
- The Influence of Environmental Factors on the Abundance and Composition of Vibrio vulnificus within Bacteria Communities of a Subtropical Coastal Estuary. (Apr. 2019) Hope, K., Harris, L., Prousalis, M. and Waidner, L.A. UWF Student Scholars Symposium, Pensacola, FL.
- Seminar. Photoheterotrophic Bacteria in the Pensacola Bay System. (Jan. 2019) Waidner, L.A. UWF Biology Seminar Course. Instructor: Phil Darby.
- Proteorhodopsin bacteria and aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria abundance in the Pensacola Bay System. (Nov. 2018) Daniel, C., Caffrey, J., Ederington-Hagy, M., Albrecht, B. Jeffrey, W. and L. Waidner. Bays and Bayous, November 2018. Mobile AL.
- Editing our Evolution Forum: NSF Facilitating a National Dialogue on Human Genome Editing. National Informal Stem Network. (May 2018) Pratt, M., Fleekop, J., Chmiel, J.D., Jenson, M. and Waidner, L.A. Pensacola MESS Hall, Pensacola, FL.
- Furthering the Mitochondrial Genome Investigation of Donax variabilis using PCR and Plasmid Vectors: A Course Based Undergraduate Teaching Project. (Apr. 2017) Clark, A., Reidy J., Chung H.-M. and L. Waidner. UWF Student Scholars’ Symposium, Pensacola, FL.
- Thompson Bayou Microcosm Experiments: Aerobic Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacteria Community Shifts Upon Particle Enrichment. (Apr. 2017) Daniel, C., Ederington-Hagy, M., Jeffrey, W. and L. Waidner. UWF Student Scholars Symposium, Pensacola, FL.
- Aerobic Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacteria in Coastal Gulf of Mexico Community Shifts Upon Exposure to MC252 Water Accommodated Fraction and Dispersant. (Feb. 2017) Waidner, L.A., Matallana Surget, S. Nigro, L., LeBaron, P., Ederington-Hagy, M. Brocka, M., Daniel, C.a, Valek, J. and W.H. Jeffrey. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, HI.